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Saturday, October 24, 2020

on countryland fruitful.

this week most exciting thing is improved salary, even a mean restaurant female acquaintance guessed it's due to heat subsidiary included. with it, I well reinforced my workspace with renewals, credit refills, etc. boosted by the saint aid, I video chatted with my hometown junior middle school classmates to express my gratitude, appreciation of their life so far. one of them, once always shown best of him with jokes now millionaire, with 3 growingup children. i also paid back quite some debter of mine. i treated myself & my son nice dinners. recently i turned more open & talkative among my frequent restaurants, speaked out my situation, esp my extraordinary aging body, my concern of state surveillance upon me years. I pray God it's affordable to befriend them there. the new Japanese heating blanket soon let my leg stronger, ease my pains & resume my body's flexibility in a sensible way.  passed week also saw failing PRC surveillance hardly afford their failure to sink my web site, yesterday they using their old dirty skill to let my site down, even my web app is newest version. I restored it all the morning. God's mercy, I afford it. dear God, in several days, I will have a itch killer, 2 larger udisks for portable storage, at hand, God dad, how i felt satisfying! in this golden morning, I will soon launch & shower. I see your promised, dad God, i saw your promise filled, esp my anxiety upon my workable road toward my destiny so far. dear God dad, let's move on.

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