these 2 or 3 days mostly pale, but its dusk mostly in lovable breeze. i spent more time on the garden bench wondering my new life with my beloved girls. the bench had been a hot place, frequented by quite some QRRS dormers, some of them surely gays. last night i lingered outside latest, reviewing painful waiting for my absent girls, esp. girl zhou. returned to dorm, i talked with God, Masheng for quite some time. crackers outside echoes my thought and judge. i got view of men and women, God's setting to balance them. i saw my baby son, warrenzh, God of Universe, his way straight to fame and glory, all of saint. in the light of joy, i tried google picasa's new feature to make a movie from his avatars through our published album. i hope next gathering he will surprised by the movie.
its a brightest morning in this week. the office had to shelter sun-ray with curtains. i universally so glad to see the bright. God, my only complain is my girls' beautiful life's gliding with fading perfume, please let me join them sooner!
Ps: China censorship likely now underwent new blocking tool, like long time rumor, whitelist filter, reportedly on web quite some sites inaccessible now. i attempted to post photos via email from start of morning yet didn't publish them now even email sent for hours. God, u see my moment with Gospel.
imply google album's binding with profile.^during reading got news of the new feature, binding picasaweb with google profiles. so launched since last afternoon. China surveillance broke amid twice, a sandstorm also blew lots of sand on my desk during the operation. this morning turns out a brilliant morning, i just finished operation over family google albums, even google analytics tracking code yet be saved, neither in chrome nor in firefox, likely China censorship still torn down the page elements between. God, saves my works.
2 cloudy days.^yesterday mostly a pale day. read all time. dozed awhile amid heavy dirt from facing desk's evil. near end of work time, restored os for lagging. shot some photos for flowers in QRRS dorms garden&sunset, which turns hot redden near the end of day. slept earlier after washed vest. a blister grows on center of the sole of my foot, causing pains, but disappeared this morning, which again a cloudy&windy morning. God, redemption for too proud is ready, brings back my eyes-candy sooner. in this silent pale morning, i felt even lonelier, without my beloved girls.
a day in heavy dirt.^last night in pubic lavatory of the dorm, i told a new QRRS graduate that every morning i woke up with fresh hope. this morning i first time join office later than 7:30am. read most of work time. baby's mom, emakingir, rarely logon her gmail in her summer vacation but did this morning, so i video chatted with her&our baby son. yesterday she mimic baby son's claim how he likes toast mutton stick, and suggested arranging next dine out. then i told her my last month salary suffered a loss of half of it, only earned ¥760. the reason i got today is the company deficit of orders&total stopped streamline last month. ema didn't complained the moment, but this time in video she quite quick sheered my suggestion to arrange dining out this week. God, Masheng, i put my Royal's life support on u, for i will reward u ten and hundred of that amount in my Empire of China. u know what i mean, Masheng, i only receive ur meal now and year ahead, let our baby son in happy time and free of anxiousness of needs.
the facing gay all time challenged when i busy. the sin barely stick out his ugly head to gawk at me for minutes when sin torn him apart on position in front of me, in order to show his failure&loss. there is not shame in his sinful life, but death-matching profaning. God times and times let me be my own&walk my road straight, for the hell for the evil never need a second to review. the office already clearly shows a stage of sins, mainly gays. i spent a year to 20 years there to manifest the difference between me and wrecked, the untouchable glory of Son from the falling&sinking flash of the dark&lifeless on this eccentric land, thousand miles from my beloved hometown, central China. the land belongs to me, while the once and current have to descend&earthed by dusts.
after dinner, a gay again occupied the garden bench, so i roamed outside. then rest on it till dusk turns deep. a neat girl reminded me of my girl zhou, who in a moment stands in my inner sight so cute&vivid, that i had to leave outdoors to hold it dear inward. its a nice day, God, u see. this morning dreamed of 2 girls loving me. but i didn't recognized their name on paper. met some Priests in dorm canteen, talked about my preferring more talks on bible rather than his/her own interpret, more holy revelation than preach or warn of wrong doing. the Priest didn't elaborate it as usual. its pale in sky, but turning bright outside of my office now.
family blogger blogs' template improved.^a new work week, God sees how i cherish my timetable&right mood i was beset. read after posted daily tweet. find a nice web service,, to let me listening bible radio without player's niche. customized my account there. after noon launched correcting mistakes on some family blogs on google blog platform,, then tried its new powerful template designer, improved most family blogs there with beautiful interface. backup stuff near 4pm, then baby's mom, emakingir arrived to send me some dates she bought, with baby son on her bike. baby son likes a beam enlighten my heart thirsty for joy&dry bright. help ema secure her qq account on road sending them to the grandma's house, where a rich meal including fish prepared, after did that on baby&my account in office previously. after seeing out them, a tall girl reminds me of my girl zhou passed me by, informs how i m fortunate and in God's bliss. after dinner rest on garden's bench for a long time, wondering life with my girl zhou. a gay silently sat parallel on a bench on the other side alone the aisle. shits find way to upset people in their joy. lectured before personal cleaning, with QRRS' new graduates. that caused me exhausted&got up this morning later than 7am. in dawn dreamed of alumni gathering&hot debate among us collegians. my 2rd elder sister also appeared in it. its a bright morning now.
posted a blog including recent photos last Sunday. dreamed of exile.^late sleep till 10am. posted recent photos&a blog entry for my sorrow and missing of my baby son, who also missing me&want more outdoor plays&activities. posted recent photos&blog in office alone. the monitor joined before lunch time&left after an hour. buzzed baby's mom lately near 4pm&found they haunting Fu-Mart&KFC. encouraged ema upon her proactive bringing baby into actions, rather than staying home&watching animation online or TV. after dinner in dorm canteen, rest in sunshine on bench in dorms garden, till shadow cover my lap. continued bathing in sunset in my dorm which on 3rd floor&facing the sunset. bought fruits after roamed outside. enjoy a banana on bench in garden, watched a group of boys and girls playing badminton in front me. God, blesses my baby son, rid him of boring or missing of absent like his dad, me. enrich him every moment with fresh idea&meaningful activities.
after a month i will hopeful see my girls, like girl Zhou once in QRRS, and the girl i met on train returning to Qiqihar from my second hometown journey. its a bright day today, even in sunset i can see the milk clouds missing for days in mid sky.
in night roaming in dorm, reviewing my situation. baby&his mom showered when i buzzed in. i listening music till went to bed near 9:30pm. in dawn, dreamed QRRS, my once&long time employer, and campus, represented by the Zhou, a high rank in QRRS, and a tall male math teacher in my junior middle school, expressed that they want me to leave. i felt evils drove behind the scene. then my collage alumnus, a girl, told me i was narrowly chosen to stay to learn, when we studying physical and mathematical methods to describe close shape. its a bright morning, when i got up exactly 6am.
for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

bright sunset after a pale day.

early moon over QRRS front open space.