last night i treated my baby son and his mom as scheduled, after waiting my girl zhou in vain. she had left my sight for about more than 4 days, in which i sought wilderly. my heart turns hard upon her evading me, my memory fixed on the prime time when she strided in her white short coat and waving so loveable long legs. my girl zhou fiddles me with her hide-and-see, each time when i crying for pains in my heart in missing her, she winked like mirage in seconds just throw me more into her influence, and then dead silence. last night i waited to greet her in front of QRRS HQ as usual, then baby's mom buzzed in. we arranged meeting up under my office, when i waiting in chill on the place she once bought icecream with her colleague and we first eyes' contacted, she in her white coat which inspired me so much, arranged 2 men and a female walked arms in arms just to show me her tricky and naughty. after i gathered with baby son and his mom, after chilled outside for more than a quarter&trembled on the bus stop, the restaurant was full of customers. so i suggested going to my dorm to rest some time. baby there enjoyed a game i just got from web. when we returned to the restaurant, a tall girl with cordial face looked straight into us. she was palled with 2 men and a female. i felt she must has a link with my girl zhou, but i felt my girl should more gifted than her. so i joined the war with the half raw lamb steak at once, with small knife, chopsticks and my own teeth.
after dinner, i hold baby son into the KFC Tiedong franchise, where a cop in uniform lingered there but don't eat but all time roaming, and also peeked when baby son played game on my notebook. when we dined in the restaurant serves fried mutton, a neighbor dog, a mature but young beast tentatively poked baby's head when baby don't eat and let by his mom to change to outer chair and played on the chair. baby son puzzled, but informed by the adversity. i at once told baby that's a dog, and life time task to kill dog, ie, cop, mafia, bureaucracy, for our family in title of zhu. i told baby the dog already dead, and God knows when its corpse disappear on the earth that belongs to us, in God's shine. in daily tweet of yesterday, i assigned the killing to Masheng, to her special force squad to accomplish the slaughter. nothing can lay a touch upon my Royal, the Royal of China as well as God's.
today its the second bright day since the shallow snow last weekends. blood had already spilt over the drought land over-crowded with ants and mice. God, i never enjoy killing except glory drives it aimlessly. killing in ur name is just a cake, funny but not meaningful. the only bright in my heart is my girls, my beloved. in every scent i can sniff, i track the veil and vein from my Queens in my Royal. God, let ur bright forever cover me, cover my heart fully.
below is my daily tweets in this transitinal life:
dined with baby son&his mom.^last night dined with baby son. a dog behind him tentatively poked baby's head when baby playing on his chair. kill the dog at once&told baby the death. Masheng, let ur special action squad do it, slaughter the dog insulting at once. got up lately after 8am. its again a bright day in brilliant sunshine. posted recent photos.
dreamed of lunar new year.^dreamed of celebrating lunar new year with my girl, almost sexed but hold for my girl zhou as God lets. Its snowing in dawn, likely since last night but don't cover ground thick.
busy day with baby's sites. missing my girl zhou again.^got up around 7am&went to office among crowd of QRRSers. fine tuned baby's profile. my girl don't appear in noon break. claimed&fine tuned baby's homepage on google sites in afternoon. gave up till near 5pm. went to receive my girl zhou, but again can't find her. treated myself with beaf pies&mutton soup in a restaurant near office after the monday. all night in dorm reviewing my love with my girl zhou.
just refined my old blog at ( ) when last night God recalled it in front. got additional one for the predecided ( ). all done in God's shine.
Masheng, i hope i will marry my girl zhou before the lunar lantern Day. hope u can settle our trip to my hometown, where my folks will witness the glory of my dad and his son. pl join me sooner, as u know.
idle in the morning. launched at office to refined baby's sites, domain setup, Google apps setup, etc. finished after 5pm, then visit the local church&listening the preach. talked to the clerk after it over&expressed thanks. met a girl likely my girl zhou but with hairs reshaped. returned dorm baby let her mom buzzed in. its just so attending God shown. niece also tried to contact me to borrow money for her professional license, but later gave up.
From New Year on new horizon |
From New Year on new horizon |
From New Year on new horizon |
From New Year on new horizon |
for picasaweb blocked in China mainland, here parts of the photos hosted domestic.

proud dad and concentrated son.

baby son, warrenzh, whose domain at , posed with pride, in my dorm waiting to dine out.

saint moment with white snow and blazing sunshine.
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